About the English Drama Group


Founded in 2009, the EDG staged three plays under the guidance of teachers (Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost, William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol). Having gained self-confidence from these productions, students then took over for several years. With incredible passion and hard work, they staged Orwell’s Animal Farm  as their first play. But that was not all. The next year, they even wrote a play themselves and entertained the audience with the crime play Vic.Tim – no cold case with Gregory. In the following years, in shared projects of students, teachers and alumni, the English Drama Group has staged, among others, The Wizard of Oz, Macbeth, Narnia, and a Covid-induced Christmas video project, The Night before Christmas. 

The 2022 production of the English Drama Group, Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, is another example of the joy of teamwork, among students and between students, former students and teachers. What is so special about this group is a wonderful and creative, bubbly mixture of students from grades 5-12 plus several alumni and teachers who join forces to create an evening of theater.




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EDG 2024: Romeo and Juliet

Plakat Romeo & Juliet

Am 25. und 26. Januar 2024 präsentierte die English Drama Group des KFG ihre neueste Produktion: William Shakespeares berühmtes Stück Romeo and Juliet. Die Aufführungen fanden jeweils um 19 Uhr in der Aula der Schule statt. Geboten wurde ein englischer Theaterabend mit spannenden, berührenden, aber auch komischen und musikalischen Momenten. Aufführende waren Schüler*innen aus den Jahrgangsstufen 5-12, unterstützt von Ehemaligen des KFG. Die Produktion begeisterte an beiden Abenden das Publikum - Kompliment und Glückwunsch zu dieser Leistung allen Beteiligten!